Thursday, June 9, 2011

What happened?

  • I visited Marina Barrage to fly kites and play in the water with my family.

  • I went for a 3 hour CIP to sell merchandise for charity with 2 of my classmates.

  • I started on a felt stuff toy for my friend's birthday gift.

What worked? Why?

  • I managed to finish one whole story book withing one day and one night because I read it whenever I had the time.

  • I successfully finished online one math quiz assigned by the teacher and got full marks because I payed alot of attention to the questions and did it carefully on a piece of paper. Also, I am better at this topic.

  • For CIP, we managed to sell alot of merchandise because we were friendly and opened our mouths.

What did not work? Why?

  • I abandoned my first stuff toy because I did not have enough self-discipline to continue and had too much desire for perfection.

  • I did not journal for a few days because I had nothing to write about and had not enough self-discipline.

  • I am stuck halfway for my Geography project because I do not have enough self-discipline and have not enough grasp of the current topic.

What did I learn?

  • I learnt that helping others brings happiness.

  • I learnt that concentration is very important while doing work.

  • I learnt that we must learn to open our mouth and speak at the correct times because people would not understand if we don't.

  • Self-discipline is very important in everything we do.

What can I do better next time?

  • I should instill more self-discipline.

  • I should concentrate and do the questions carefully on future homework.

  • I should open up and speak appropriately at the correct times.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Journal Writing- 28/5/11 and 29/5/11

What happened?
- I attended a guides performance with my 2 platoonmates and my asm and usm:) It wasn't compulsory but I went just because it is funner than staying at home.
- For piano lessons, I had to decide whether to switch teachers for theory or not.
- I planned my schedule for the holidays on a planner.

What worked?
- I enjoyed the guides performance thing and had a great time with my platoonmates:) I think this was because we... let go and enjoyed ourselves??
- I managed to come to a desicion to switch teachers because my teacher did not have time to teach me for theory and I think a new teacher would be better as we can start afresh from the beginning.
- I thought that the planning of my schedule would be really tedious but it wasn't actually and went quite smoothly. My schedule includes school homework, my own revision and PLAYING time:)

What did not work?
- I did not jog at all today. I think this was because I had not enough self-discipline and now that my NAPFA is over I have even less self-discipline.
- I did not play very well during piano class. This was because I did not practice enough.
- Our platoon outing is still not planned yet. So is our ex-class outing. Everybody is waiting for someone to plan it. I think I should plan it.

What did I learn?
-I learnt that if everybody thinks that someone else would do something and because of that does not want to do that thing anymore, things would not work.
- I should voice out my opinions more.

What can I do better next time?
- Voice out my opinions more. Force myself to think.
- Have more self-discipline.
- Volunteer to organise stuff.